First, we went to Umapad dumpsite to give our gifts. At the entrance to the dumpsite, there was a home where about 30 or so kids assembled. We gave them food, drink, and school supplies for those on the list. They were in amazement to see white people! They were really cool. Then, we went into the actual dump, where Marit, the Filipina who led us through the dumpsite last time and remembered us this time, went into the home area to tell everyone to come to the area right past the entrance. We gave the food, drinks, and school supplies out and hung out for awhile there. The kids there are great. We saw the little girl that we saw on our trip in January who has two twisted legs. I discovered that her name is Maricel, and she was not born with twisted legs. When she was younger, she fell into a hole and broke both legs, so they just grew very crooked. I was very much impacted by her, because at the very end of the semester, I broke my pinky and had surgery on it. A pinky finger! I had surgery, so my pinky will be fine, but poor Maricel broke both her legs and cannot walk, and she didn’t get to have surgery. It’s just not fair. But I told her that she was very pretty, which is absolutely true. She is a beautiful little girl. Her baby brother was sitting in the wheelchair with her, covering up her twisted left leg, so I got to hold him. I do love Filipino children!
This is me with Maricel...
And this is me holding her brother...
We hung out at that place for quite awhile, so it was neat to hang out with those who are the poorest of the poor, those who inhabit the ends of the earth. The darkness in this corner of the world is so thick. People live in terrible conditions without knowledge of a God who loves and saves. So we will tell them! :) I feel something drawing me to these places, that all may know our glorious God. Scripture promises that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. So we pray that even in the darkest places on earth, where a baby doll is held high and worshipped, along with drugs and selling children as prostitutes, where young children scavage through garbage to find things to make money for their families, a place where people don’t know that they are loved and worth anything and that the God of the Universe has a glorious plan for their lives, that our God will break down every stronghold that stands and that He will be God of the Philippines and of all the earth. It is my desire to see all people praise the Lord and to be a part of what God is doing to lead us to that place. So I am very thankful to be here :)
We also bought 30 Bibles in Cebuano, because most of the people in the dumpsite are uneducated and cannot speak English. It was very neat to see how proud the people were of their new Bibles (Biblias). They were very thankful for them, and some even began to read them while we were there! A very cool opportunity, to give the Word of the Lord to those He came to save. I hope to learn a little more Cebuano so maybe I can go back sometime and teach them about the Bibles we gave them. After all, we were told to make disciples!
After staying in the dumpsite for awhile, we went to a squatter area that is very near the dumpsite, where Marit (our “guide”) lives. Her daughter is one of the 7 (we thought we would only have 5, but it turns out there’s 7!) kids that we have to choose 2 from to come live at Wesley. It is a crazy decision to be told to make, but we have prayed for God’s clear direction, so we trust that it will come in His timing and in His way. We met the 7 kids and their families and gave them a special bag filled with soap, toothbrushes, a washcloth, etc. Please be in prayer for us in the next few days as we select the 2 God would have come to Wesley. Pray that we may not choose based on the cuteness of the kids or simply what a paper says about them, but that we will listen to the Spirit’s guidance (they’re all adorable, by the way). We told the parents that they would find out by Friday who is chosen, so we need to bathe ourselves in prayer!
We also have another big decision to make while we’re here that we need your prayers for. The orphanage is in desperate need of a director, someone who will oversee things at Wesley, give the kids structured discipline, and lead them in spiritual matters. We long to establish a consistent Bible study time with the kids, so that when we leave hopefully it will continue. We already have one of the pastors from Zion Prayer Garden, a church in nearby Consolacion, who has volunteered to come every Saturday to spend time teaching the kids about the Bible. My prayer is that these kids and their families will love the Lord, serve Him, and seek Him. He has such incredible plans for their lives, and I can’t wait to discover what those are.
Please be in prayer for us, as we have only a week and a few days left before we head home. I can’t believe how fast the time has flown, and I am definitely not ready to leave my precious children! I feel like they have become my own. I feel like I am finally belonging in the Philippines! The culture shock was a little difficult at first, but I’m adjusting. I am definitely not ready to go home. But please pray for us continually, that we will use our time as God would have us. Pray that we have clear direction on who He would have come to live at Wesley and who He would have as the director. Please pray that we will be strong in His strength and feel His presence and guidance, as we have already experienced great opposition from the enemy. Our God is much bigger than anything in this world or outside this world. Colossians 1 says that all things were made by Him and for Him and that in Him all things hold together. Chapter 2 says that He disarmed that powers and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Our God is big, and He is mighty to save. Pray that strongholds and idols will come tumbling down, that God will have complete reign in the Philippines and in the dark places where children are prostituted by their families to make money and where kids scavage through garbage for hours to find things that can be recycled so their families can have money to eat. Pray for these people, the lowest of the low, that they may know God and that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Pray that He would be the God of the Philippines and not a little baby doll. Pray that people would love God passionately and whole-heartedly and that they will serve Him. Pray that our God will take His place and be worshipped at His throne. Pray that our hearts would be strengthened, protected, and guided. Pray that we will encourage one another and be continually reminded that our God is greater than anything that can stand against. If our God is for us, who can be against us? Jesus Christ, who died and was resurrected, is at the right hand of God the Father and is also interceding for us (see Romans 8:31-34). May we cling to His promises and trust in His power. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Pray that the whole world, even the invisible things, will fall in worship and praise of our glorious, Almighty God. Pray that God will show His strength in healing the sick and lame, as He has done many times in the past, and that He will receive the praise. Pray that He alone will be worshipped and praised. May He have the throne of our hearts.
I hope all is well for you all back home. We miss you all, and we will be home soon! Pray for safety in travel and that until then we will make the most of every opportunity. God’s peace be with you all.
**This was written on Sunday, but I am only now having the chance to post it (on Wednesday), so sorry for the delay!**